
Pain Management

Concierge Medicine & Telehealth located in Verona, NJ
representational service illustration

Pain Management services offered in Verona, NJ

Chronic pain limits what you can do physically and can ultimately lead to a disability. At Montclair Concierge Medicine, experienced primary care physician, Kelly DiStefano, MD, provides customized pain management services for adults and adolescents. Dr. DiStefano tailors a care plan to help you control pain from arthritis, nerve damage, and other chronic health conditions. She uses medications, injectable therapies, and strategies to relieve long-lasting pain. Call the Verona, New Jersey, office to schedule a pain management appointment or book a consultation online today. 

Pain Management Q&A

What is pain management?

Pain management includes health care services to diagnose the underlying cause of chronic pain and to prevent pain from interfering with your quality of life.

Montclair Concierge Medicine offers customized pain management services for adolescents and adults. Dr. DiStefano takes a whole-person approach to managing your pain and provides high-quality concierge-style care through a flat-rate membership plan.

When should I consider pain management?

You may be a candidate for the pain management services available at Montclair Concierge Medicine if your physical health or mobility is limited due to pain.

Acute pain typically lasts for six weeks or less. Chronic pain can persist for six months or longer. Either type of pain can be the result of an injury or a chronic disease such as:

  • Arthritis  
  • Herniated disc
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nerve damage
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS)

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation with Dr. DiStefano if you have persistent pain that you can’t treat at home with rest and over-the-counter medications. You may also benefit from the available pain management services if your pain worsens, even with home care.

What can I expect during a pain management visit?

During your pain management appointment at Montclair Concierge Medicine, Dr. DiStefano learns more about the underlying cause of your pain. She asks about your lifestyle, job, diet, and health history and completes a physical exam.

To identify underlying issues like arthritis and autoimmune disease, Dr. DiStefano may order blood work or other diagnostic tests. Based on your test results, she designs a pain management plan to relieve your symptoms and restore your physical health.

Treatments available for pain management include:

  • Oral medications
  • Injectable medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Lifestyle modifications

Dr. DiStefano can also recommend the medically supervised weight loss services she offers to help you achieve and maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI).  Carrying extra pounds puts additional pressure on your joints and soft tissues and worsens your pain. Losing a small percentage of body fat can significantly lessen pain and enhance mobility.

During routine follow-up visits, Dr. DiStefano monitors the effectiveness of your treatment to ensure you remain pain-free. She can also coordinate care with other medical professionals if you need specialized care for your condition.

Call the Montclair Concierge Medicine office to schedule a pain management consultation or book an appointment online today. Telehealth appointments are also available.